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Firm Clients:

Audrey Hepburn Estate / Sean Hepburn Ferrer

King Cole Partners, LLC (Nat King Cole)

Peggy Lee Associates, LLC (Peggy Lee)

Farrah Fawcett / The Farrah Fawcett Foundation

Frank Sinatra Enterprises, LLC

The Natalie Cole Foundation

The Danny Kaye Estate

The Bangles


The Gary Cooper Estate & Trust

Bing Crosby Enterprises / HLC Properties, Ltd.

America / Beckley and Bunnell Partnership

Industrial Mechanical, Inc.

Daphne Productions (The Dick Cavett Show)

The Dean Martin Estate

The Chet Baker Estate

Cavalier Films


BMG Rights Management (US) v. Cox Communications - U.S. Dist. Court, E.D. Virginia:

Crain Law Group was plaintiff's co-counsel in landmark copyright litigation that was the first to obtain a plaintiff's verdict at trial against an internet service provider (ISP) based on copyright infringements by the ISP's customers.  The case addressed the ISP's customers' use of bit torrent sites for the unlawful copyright infringement of protected music.  This case was tried in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.  Plaintiff BMG Rights Management (US) obtained a jury verdict of $25 million.


Jerry Garcia Estate, LLC v. Moe’s Southwest Grill, LLC, et al. - U.S. Dist Court, N.D. Georgia:

Crain Law Group was lead plaintiff’s counsel in a copyright, trademark and publicity rights action against a national restaurant franchisor and many of its franchisees for the unauthorized use his clients’ intellectual property rights.  Other clients in this case included the estates of John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Barry White, George Harrison, and Miles Davis.  


Alana L. Curry, et al, v. Fairbanks Capital Corporation:

Crain Law Group successfully brought a class-action on behalf of victims of Fairbanks’ systemic overcharging of attorneys’ fees and other charges related its customers’ mortgage accounts. While the case was originally limited to Georgia mortgage holders, the case settled as a national class for $52 million.


Bogart, LLC v. Ashley Furniture et al.:

Crain Law Group was lead counsel for the Humphrey Bogart Estate in a national trademark and publicity rights case against the largest furniture manufacturer and retailer in the United States.  This case was filed in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia in 2010.


Bogart, LLC v. Burberry Group, PLC, et al.:

Crain Law Group was lead counsel for the Humphrey Bogart Estate in a publicity rights and trademark infringement action involving the defendant's use of social media on the Internet.  This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court in California and also in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in 2012.


King Cole Partners, LP, et al. v. CD Listening Bar d/b/a Super D:

Crain Law Group was lead counsel for the Nat King Cole Estate, Peggy Lee Estate and Bing Crosby Estate in a publicity rights and copyright infringement action against an importer of CD's and DVD's.  The case was filed in the Untied States District Court for the Central District of California in 2011.  The case was resolved at mediation.


Bogart, LLC v. Corinthian Furniture:

Crain Law Group was lead counsel for the Humphrey Bogart Estate in a publicity rights and trademark infringement action against a furniture company filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi and the United States District Court for the Central District of California in 2012.


Anderson, et al. v. Fieldale Farms, Inc.:

Crain Law Group successfully brought to trial an action representing sixty-two (62) plaintiffs against a Georgia's largest poultry company for its environmental impact on surrounding neighbors.  After a three week trial, Michael obtained the largest verdict in Georgia for a nuisance action.  


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